Batch #1.102 (July 27, 2:54 PM)
From: GNB <<Galactic News Bulletin>>
Subj: Garina Finally Gets Some Aid
Krevloc-invaded Garina was recently sent supplies and fuel in exchange for a handful of experienced warriors. Ever since massive numbers of krevlocs invaded Gasherdel, more attention is being focused on Gal-rul and the Bash-Gor people. Gal-rul is a planet infected with krevlocs and the Bash-Gor live on the planet fighting the krevlocs every day. This makes them highly knowledgeable on the krevlocs and their weaknesses. Dr. Kopelman is said to be continuing his studies at an unnamed location. Kopelman had set out to Shash-Gulvanis to study the krevloc phenomenon last year. His findings could also be very helpful in controlling or even eliminating such a disastrous force.
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From: GNB <<Galactic News Bulletin>>
Subj: Garina Finally Gets Some Aid
Krevloc-invaded Garina was recently sent supplies and fuel in exchange for a handful of experienced warriors. Ever since massive numbers of krevlocs invaded Gasherdel, more attention is being focused on Gal-rul and the Bash-Gor people. Gal-rul is a planet infected with krevlocs and the Bash-Gor live on the planet fighting the krevlocs every day. This makes them highly knowledgeable on the krevlocs and their weaknesses. Dr. Kopelman is said to be continuing his studies at an unnamed location. Kopelman had set out to Shash-Gulvanis to study the krevloc phenomenon last year. His findings could also be very helpful in controlling or even eliminating such a disastrous force.
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From: IGM <<Independent Gladiator Information Messenger>>
Subj: New Gladiators Making a Killing
Ophidian's newest Gladiators are rising in popularity and their recent matches reflect some potential champions. That doesn't count out the less recent Justich acquisitions and the more seasoned veterans. There are a lot of potentially good matches the fans are screaming to see. Be patient and they will come!
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Subj: New Gladiators Making a Killing
Ophidian's newest Gladiators are rising in popularity and their recent matches reflect some potential champions. That doesn't count out the less recent Justich acquisitions and the more seasoned veterans. There are a lot of potentially good matches the fans are screaming to see. Be patient and they will come!
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From: PBP <<Pirate Band Inter-system Press>>
Subj: Relic Hunter Clear of Charges
Looks like our own Balthazar Kor was charged recently with a breach of contract when he failed his last job to find a relic of some sort. Lucky for him, he was cleared of the charges and can continue to find more artifacts for all you obsessive compulsive collectors. I heard he might be looking for a new assistant too.
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Subj: Relic Hunter Clear of Charges
Looks like our own Balthazar Kor was charged recently with a breach of contract when he failed his last job to find a relic of some sort. Lucky for him, he was cleared of the charges and can continue to find more artifacts for all you obsessive compulsive collectors. I heard he might be looking for a new assistant too.
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