Ophidian Universe Creator, Author, Editor, Writer, and Designer
Hailing from Lisbon, Portugal, Hugo is a proud father, freelancer Writer, Blogger, Game Designer, Web Designer, and Occultist. He has been keeping the Ophidian Universe dream alive since 2004 as the Ophidian “Lore Guru” Lord.
Ophidian Inc. Crew: (Ophidian 2350 CCG)
Ophidian Inc is no longer in operation. Ophidiangames.com is being maintained by Shaun Mahar and Gregg Schwartz, designers of Ophidian 2350. If you have any questions, comments, or inquiries, please email gregg@ophidiangames.com.
- Greggory Schwartz - President of Ophidian Inc. / Lead Business
- Shaun Mahar - Vice President of Ophidian Inc. / Lead Design
- Raffi Tasci - Secretary of Ophidian Inc. / Lead Operations
- Jason Robinette - Tournament Play / Demo Network
- Kevin J. Coleman - Design
- Ed Lasso - Design
- Carl Van Ostrand - Design
- Hugo Ferreira - Community Manager / Designer / Head Agent for Europe
- Ryan Patterson - Lead Agent / Tournament Manager
- Dave Chase - FLEER Laision / Head of the Agent Program, League Play, Tournaments, and Conventions
Justich Fan Productions Crew: (Ophidian 2355 RPG / Get with the Flow... RPG)
Justich Fan Productions is not a gaming company per se, but a fan-fiction group led by Hugo Ferreira, in a herculean effort of keeping the Ophidian Universe alive. Having had a couple of different names and crews since its original creation back in 2004, under the Ophidian Stories namesake, then passing to the Ophidian Compendium name from 2006 to 2008. Then in 2008, after the demise of most of the writers Hugo restarted it as KHoKards (Kronnax's House of Kards) to publish the Ophidian 2355 RPG Facebook Game. When the game engine closed in 2010 Hugo maintained the 2355 setting until 2011 by releasing a print-and-play version of the original card game - Ophidian Universe PPG (Print to Play Game). One year later Justich Fan Productions was born as this blog you are reading started to grow with new content, until, and now on 2020 we settled with the Ophidian Universe namesake per the request of Hack and Slash Games to avoid "confusion" with their Ophidian 2360 product.
Ophidian Stories / Ophidian Compendium (2004-2006)
- Hugo Ferreira - Lead Designer / Writer / Editor
- Andrew Powers - Writer
- Angus Roberts - Writer
- Chris Heffernan - Writer
- Troy Griner - Writer
- Raffi Tasci - Writer
KHoKards (Kronnax's House of Kards) (2008-2011)
- Hugo Ferreira - Lead Designer / Writer
- Melissa Meirelles - Editor / Designer
- Phillip Moringer - Designer / Playtester
- Regina Fernandes - Editor / Playtester
Justich Fan Productions (2012-2020)
- Hugo Ferreira - Man-of-all-trades
Ophidian Universe (2020-2022)
- Hugo Ferreira - Man-of-all-trades
Small Cave Games Crew: (Ophidian Wars)
Small Cave Games was first a foremost an indie game company working on its first title for Xbox Community Games - Ophidian Wars: The Legend of Kilflame. Some years after the release of their first game - Ophidian Wars: Opac's Journey, they changed into a TableTop Game Company. If you have any questions, comments, or inquiries, please email cevo70@yahoo.com.
(Video-Games Company 2009-2012)
- Carl Van Ostrand - Producer / Designer
- Bryan Ecker - Lead Programmer
- Craig Aoyama - Concept Art / Designer
- Valri Viala - 3D Modeling / Animation
- Robert Dowling - Animation / Rigging
- Jeremy Lowther - HUD/Map / Inventory Artwork
- Chris Hilldenbrand - Title screen art and Game logo design
(TableTop Games Company 2015-2017)
- Carl Van Ostrand - Lead Designer
- Hugo Ferreira - Writer / Community Manager / Card Designer
Hack and Slash Games Crew: (Ophidian 2360 / ArenaVerse)
Hack and Slash Games is a Board and Card game publisher. If you have any questions, comments, or inquiries, please use the contact form here.
- Robert Shofkom - President
- Chris Milling - VP of Operations
- Jason Robinette - VP of Marketing and Game Design
- Hugo Ferreira - Community Liaison and Master of Storyline