Tales from Ophidian Games is a biweekly podcast by Hugo Ferreira. In the episodes, he will focus on the story behind the ”Ophidian Games” games and feature an audio version of the in-game character biographies, storylines, or events between 2350 to the present day - 2369.
Episode 7 of the Tales from Ophidian Games
Episode 7 of the Tales from Ophidian Games Podcast by Hugo Ferreira is all about Season Greetings, in one of the shortest episodes we have done.
Episode 6 of the Tales from Ophidian Games
Episode 6 of the Tales from Ophidian Games Podcast by Hugo Ferreira is all about Happenchance in Ophidian Times, as we will speak about Ophidian Redux: Legacy of the Arenas, the future of Ophidian Redux and Hack and Slash Games' Arenaverse in one of the briefest episode that I have done so far.
Episode 5 of the Tales from Ophidian Games
Episode 5 of the Tales from Ophidian Games Podcast by Hugo Ferreira is all about Ophidian Redux, as we will speak about the production status of the Ophidian Redux: Legacy of the Arenas! As well as a hopefully brief, but meaningfully frequently asked question answered.
Episode 4 of the Tales from Ophidian Games
Episode 4 of the Tales from Ophidian Games Podcast by Hugo Ferreira is bringing to the Ophidian Universe the Ophidian Credit Points System (OCPS), meaning that from now on, all the Ophidian Universe releases, no matter what brand/franchise they are, as long as its setting is on the Ophidian Universe you will get one Ophidian Credit Points card with a numbered value printed on it, and after you collect some, you will be able to redeem them to get cool new exclusive items. And also, on this episode, we will get an update regarding the production status of our next release, Ophidian Redux: Legacy of the Arenas, which will hit the shelves next month!
Episode 3 of the Tales from Ophidian Games
Episode 3 of the Tales from Ophidian Games Podcast by Hugo Ferreira deals on this episode with the most recent Ophidian drama... the demise of Ophidian Wars and what is the real ramifications that may strike with the upcoming Ophidian Redux line! Plus the introduction of the OGN Spotlight, featuring The Fang!
Episode 2 of the Tales from Ophidian Games
Episode 2 of the
Tales from Ophidian Games Podcast by
Hugo Ferreira features a glimpse of the future for the Ophidian Universe, as sometimes to move forward, Ophidian must take a step back!! But also, we return to the fiction that we all love, by presenting for the first time in another format other than written, the
2350 Edition of
Ophidian League Guide!
Episode 1 of the Tales from Ophidian Games
Episode 1 of the Tales from Ophidian Games Podcast by Hugo Ferreira features all the times that Ophidian died, only to resurge some time after. It's a crazy and very personal story that most do not know or care about, and for the first time ever, we are proud to tell in this podcast the true timeline of events for the Ophidian Games!
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Welcome to Tales from Ophidian Games
Tales from Ophidian Games is a monthly (or weekly - still TBD) podcast by Hugo Ferreira. In the episodes, he will focus on the story behind the ”Ophidian Games” games and feature behind-the-scenes stories regarding the making of Ophidian 2350 CCG by Ophidian Inc./FLEER, the upcoming Ophidian Redux by Hugo's Justich Fan Productions, not forgetting Small Cave Games' Ophidian Wars, and Hack and Slash Game' Ophidian 2360 but also we will get special insights on the obscure, Get With the Flow… (an Ophidian 2355) RPG by Justich Fan Productions. Moreso, on each episode we will have for the first time ever an audio/narrated version of the in-game character biographies, storylines, or events between 2350 to the present day - 2369.