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Welcome to the Ophidian Universe, the #1 fan page for all Ophidian (Universe) Games, including 2369: The Search For Dr.Kopelman, Ophidian Redux & Get With the Flow… (an Ophidian 2355) RPG by Justich Fan Productions, Ophidian 2360 by Hack and Slash Games, Small Cave Games' Ophidian Wars, and of course, Ophidian 2350 CCG by Ophidian Inc./FLEER.

Survival of the Fittest Update 10 - So Much Awesome!

Stretch Goal Unlocked!

We hit a stretch goal, which gives all non-retail backers (at the $25 level and higher) one 9-card pack of 2350 reprints, using the 2360 templates.  Many of those cards also feature completely new art!  Final pack contents are not confirmed at this point, but the mockup below is a good approximation of what players will receive:

*images not final
*images not final
Yes, all of our non-retailer backers who are receiving product will get one of these packs!  

New Stretch Goal!

Our next stretch goal is a great one... it will give all backers who back us for 4+ decks one additional deck of their choice!    Help us get there now, and you'll all have the chance to benefit!   When the campaign ends, we will be sending out a survey to confirm things like stretch goals, etc.  We will also ask qualified backers for their additional deck choice at that time.

Bob the Hunter!

Bob Allen of Bob's Weekend Wonders, one of our early retail backers and an all-around great guy, has become our first Legendary Gladiator, The Hunter!  

Illus. - Patrik Björkström
Illus. - Patrik Björkström
We've added a few additional backer levels to allow people to have their likeness added to the game, as characters and Gladiators.   This will also allow us to work towards additional deck options.  Spread the word!  We all know someone who would love to be immortalized, don't we? 


So, the preview for this update has to be The Hunter, right?

You may notice an asterisk next to The Hunter's VP value of 2... this is because he is a Legendary Gladiator, indicated by the Legend keyword.  Legendary Gladiators are worth an additional 2 VPwhen they are defeated!  The Hunter is useful as he gives you a small boost to your Energy level at the start of the game.  How would you take advantage of this boost?
Thanks again for your support... keep spreading the word, much more is on the way!
Jason Robinette
Vice President of Marketing and Design
Hack and Slash Games

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