Hello backers!
We've been moving along this week, and we still have more to go, so please continue to tell your friends, share this Kickstarter on social media, and please talk to your local retailers! They are the backbone of our gaming industry, and we'd like to have them involved and supported as well! This is a quick update, more to come later in the week!

You can also send people to our website with "/ks" on the end.
Here's another preview card for you:

Are you interested in being a playtester? Send us a message!
Here's your chance to play with the new cards!
Players with play groups of at least 4 will take priority.
Here's your chance to play with the new cards!
Players with play groups of at least 4 will take priority.
For those that missed it, we have two playmat designs available for sale right now on our website! If you want to get your hands on one or two early, now's your chance... or you can just add them on to your backer total!
Thank you and see you next time!
Jason Robinette
Vice President of Marketing and Design
Hack and Slash Games
Jason Robinette
Vice President of Marketing and Design
Hack and Slash Games