Where have we been? Why the silence? Here's what's up:
1. Ophidian Wars has been very nicely received by players and reviewers alike. But for the arenas to be packed, the next major step is talking with publishers and finding away to get this game widely distributed. That takes time, a whole lot of precious time.
2. Our buddies over ay Hack and Slash Games are doing an AMAZING job of bringing back the original Ophidian 2350 in grand fashion, and are currently half way through a Kickstarter. That's a primary focus in the Ophidian universe right now - so if you want to help out the cause, check that game out too!
3. We are still out there battling, getting feedback for future sets / cards and playing other games. We'll be at the Connecticut Festival of Indie Games and UnPub 6 in April.
Here's a couple new cards we're going to shuffle in and see what players think: