Have we heard?
Have we heard from you? Have you placed your order through our website? If not, please get it done as soon as possible, so that we can get your game to you.
Shipping has started this week. It is going to take a while to get everyone's product packed and shipped, so it may take a few weeks for it to arrive. We'll try to get an email out to you when your package ships so that you'll know when to look for it.
So when we got the small advance shipment of the product at Gen Con this year, we weren't pleased with what we got. The packages had gotten damaged in shipment, and we made the best of the situation. The cards and instructions are fine inside, but we're having the printer replace the damaged packages, as well as reinforcing them to prevent further damage. This is only an issue on the case level, and should not affect your shipments. Most importantly, the cards are not damaged, so you'll be able to enjoy great gameplay right away!
We ran into a bit of a snag when it comes to shirts. Our regular supplier raised their rates, and we decided to cut the shirts for the time being. We will revisit Ophidian shirts in the coming months, and make them available for purchase when we have them. For now, if you purchased any shirts as an Add-On, please let us know, and we will refund you the funds that you paid for your shirt(s).
Here's a promo that we've been working on... it will be available to all:
Just wait until you see the other side of this card! We'll post it in a few days. For those who might have seen it already... shhhh! :)
Thanks to all,
Jason Robinette
Vice President of Marketing and Design
Hack and Slash Games
jrobinette@hackandslashgames. com
Jason Robinette
Vice President of Marketing and Design
Hack and Slash Games