Stretch goal reached & 150 backers!
We just reached the next stretch goal, which adds an additional Supplemental Pack to the options for Add-Ons... and we're letting backers get their choice of one of the two packs for free as part of their pledge level. Will you pick Pack I or Pack II? Will you pick up the other one as an Add-On?
We also dropped the price of the Add-On level to $3!
We also dropped the price of the Add-On level to $3!
Note that while these are currently only going to be available through this Kickstarter, they may become available through our website or somewhere like the BGG store in the future. If that does happen, they will be in the $5 range.
We also hit 150 backers, so keep it up!
Time is running out...
We've got about 24 hours left, unlocking that 5th deck design and more are still waiting in the wings... see if we can get there! Share this campaign on your social media! Spread the word!
Wearing Ophidian
Here's a preview of some of the prototype shirts we've had made up. Please share any suggestions you might have for shirt ideas and slogans in the comments below, we'd love to hear from you!
We'll start you off with a few of our own suggestions:
Bring it! I donate blood... just not my own!
Never. Give. Up.
The first rule of Ophidian is you DO talk about Ophidian!
“Sweat dries, blood clots, bones heal.. Suck it up!”
Wake up, Kick ass, Repeat!
Bring it! I donate blood... just not my own!
Never. Give. Up.
The first rule of Ophidian is you DO talk about Ophidian!
“Sweat dries, blood clots, bones heal.. Suck it up!”
Wake up, Kick ass, Repeat!
Here's the latest preview!
What are Fans, you might be asking? There aren't any in the game yet... but it's something that will be added in the future!
In fact, we've adjusted our backer levels... there is a new backer level that will allow some of our backers to join the game! Not as a Gladiator, but as a FAN... or another character that might appear on a card. We'll work with you to create what you'd like... back now and let's get started!
In fact, we've adjusted our backer levels... there is a new backer level that will allow some of our backers to join the game! Not as a Gladiator, but as a FAN... or another character that might appear on a card. We'll work with you to create what you'd like... back now and let's get started!
Finally, here's our big news!
Hack and Slash Games just signed a deal with Klu! to bringMyths & Legends, the #1 trading card game from Chile for the last 16+ years, to the United States! We will be managing translations, organized play, and more. In fact, we'll be releasing this game at this year's GenCon, in just a few short months!
Much more to talk about related to this, so visit our website in the coming weeks for the latest news!
All the best,
Much more to talk about related to this, so visit our website in the coming weeks for the latest news!
All the best,
Jason Robinette
Vice President of Marketing and Design
Hack and Slash Games
jrobinette@hackandslashgames. com
Vice President of Marketing and Design
Hack and Slash Games