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Welcome to the Ophidian Universe, the #1 fan page for all Ophidian (Universe) Games, including 2369: The Search For Dr.Kopelman, Ophidian Redux & Get With the Flow… (an Ophidian 2355) RPG by Justich Fan Productions, Ophidian 2360 by Hack and Slash Games, Small Cave Games' Ophidian Wars, and of course, Ophidian 2350 CCG by Ophidian Inc./FLEER.

Ophidian Arena UPDATE #14 - Happy 2020: Quick Address Survey Sent!

Check your inbox...

You should have received a survey from Kickstarter, asking you for your shipping address.  This is NOT the final survey, which will be coming from BackerKit (in the form of a pledge manager).  It will allow you to choose playmats, customize add-ons, and more.

Why do we need this now?

If we aren't shipping yet, why are we asking for this information?  This is for us to get shipping price quotes back from Quartermaster Logistics, so that we can make sure that the correct shipping information is available in the BackerKit Pledge Manager.

What if I move?

Don't worry, we aren't going to lock this address in... the address you enter into BackerKit will be the final address, and you'll still have time to make updates.  We'll give you about a month of lead time before we lock down the shipping addresses.

Thank you!

Thanks to all for your patience as we work through this process.  Unlike our previous KS campaigns, this is our most ambitious yet.  We're trying things we've never done before, and we hope you'll be pleased with the results.  
And now... a couple of previews:

Thank you, and here's to a great 2020!

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