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Welcome to the Ophidian Universe, the #1 fan page for all Ophidian (Universe) Games, including 2369: The Search For Dr.Kopelman, Ophidian Redux & Get With the Flow… (an Ophidian 2355) RPG by Justich Fan Productions, Ophidian 2360 by Hack and Slash Games, Small Cave Games' Ophidian Wars, and of course, Ophidian 2350 CCG by Ophidian Inc./FLEER.

Arenaverse: Homeworlds Update (Ophidian Arena Project update 22 & 23)

Hack and Slash Games released a few days ago two backer's only updates, I will not go into detail here, but I want to share a few previews of things to come.

First of all, I just created a new "Arenaverse: Homeworlds" category here on the site. And even though this new game isn't part of the Ophidian Universe, it is still compatible with the Ophidian 2360 and Ophidian 2350 releases, like that, it will have a small home here too, even though not as extensive as the rest of our categories, as it is a totally brand new universe in terms of lore, so do not expect to see those characters here on the Ophidian Universe Site.

And on our Facebook site, the same will occur, as we will keep reposting the public updates from Hack and Slash Games but the lore of the game will be something exclusive to their sites in case of their choosing. And yes I am still writing their lore, but I do not want to cause any confusion as our Ophidian Universe is a little crowded from time to time, so for now on, a line was drawn.

Returning to the Arenaverse: Homeworlds update, here are some previews for the upcoming game, and as some might realize, a few things that look a bit different from the same now-defunct "Ophidian Arena" previews... As they're still finalizing some of the terms and layout options, and making a few updates/improvements! 

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