Batch #9.004 (October 9)
From: OGN <<Ophidian Gladiator League News Service>>
Subj: OGN Gladiator Spotlight - Mannequin
In a week full of delays, we managed to bring you on time another edition of the OGN Gladiator Spotlight, this week featuring the Flesh and AI Symbiote Mannequin.
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From: GNB <<Galactic News Bulletin>>
Subj: Aerie of Glory System pleads for aid. Hope may be near.
The Planet 44th of the Quadrant II's Aerie of Glory System has called for outside aid as they are facing a threat of some mutated Krevlok hordes overtaking their world and their entire system increases. Under strict quarantine, Aerie of Glory System is isolated from the rest of the Quadrant II, and although the planet of Nub-Waset of their neighbor system Kistarbak Collective continues to send small legions willing to remain and fight in the major planets of the Aerie of Glory System, many fear it will not be enough to hold out long.
There is newfound hope as a large scientific expedition is set to report on this new mutated Krevlok menace and possibly find a way to eliminate or at least contain the species. In order to gather the necessary intelligence and samples, the science team will attempt to enter the new mutated Krevlok space as soon as possible, but until that happens all travels to the Quadrant II are suspended. We will report more as new information becomes available.
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From: The Man
Subj: crap
I have a family in Quadrant II. I will press the Pirate Band to gathers new intel as soon as I manage to sneak some subspace transmissions.
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From: Arena_Fan
Subj: crap
This year is just getting better and better, first the delays on the Monday's Ophidian Turmoil event, now a new Krevlok mutation and a full Quadrant on quarantine? What more can we get?
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From: Venicia
Subj: OGN Gladiator Spotlight - Mannequin
Arena_Fan, at least we're getting a new OGN Gladiator Spotlight, so stay positive my friend. Things will get better.
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