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Welcome to Ophidian Wars Hallowed Arenas
Ophidian Wars Hallowed Arenas is a FREE print-to-play Expansion Set for Ophidian Wars Tabletop Game, but this release also features a bonus of two brand new Gladiator cards for Ophidian 2350 CCG/Ophidian 2360 card games. Meaning that above you will find:
- 9 cards fully compatible with Small Cave Games’ Ophidian Wars and Dark Rooks.
- 2 cards fully compatible with Ophidian 2350 CCG and Hack and Slash Games’ Ophidian 2360.
To play it, you will need a card
deck for the respective card game.
For the Ophidian Wars you can find those here in TheGameCrafter Store:
Ø Ophidian Wars Core Set:;
Ø Dark Rooks Mini-Expansion Set:
For the Ophidian 2350 CCG and Ophidian 2360 you can find them on the
Hack and Slash Games Store (