DeckTech Article - The Queen's Team
Author: Raffi "Wanderlust" Tasci
Queen Alexandra has assembled a team capable of creating a small army, sending it crashing through enemy lines while crippling the opponent's resources (hand) at the same time.
Queen Alexandra (1-4)
Goth Garal (1-4)
Trace (1-2)
P.K. (1-2)
2x Festering Stink
2x Spinal Twist
3x Violent Quiver
2x Drosh
3x Glubus
2x Pandu
2x Writhing Horror
2x Iron Monster
2x Scrambler
2x Portal Transport
1x Portalled Heist
1x Krevloc Screamer
2x Lockjaw
1x Shendondrian Dominatrix
1x Snakes of Wrath
1x Gun-Kipa
3x Mindlash
2x Whiplash
3x Fumble
3x Palm Ripples
2x Cerebrum Swell
1x Combat Mind Trace
3x Distraction
2x Fade
1x Skull Splice
1x Suffocation
1x Full Monty
3x Inner Demons
1x Epiphany
1x Thought Cyphon
2x Vengeful Blow
2x Alter Ego
This is a Portal/Psi Arsenal with a splash of Bio-tek.
Queen Alexandra will set enemy gladiators, cuttin off their attacks and protection ability. It's ok, her minions will Deal the DMG she would have dealt.
Goth Garal Uses his ability when necessary to get them to hit their target. He backs up Psi and also splashes Bio-tek.
Trace backs up the Queen and at times will bring back necessary Psi cards into hand
P.K. adds protection from war gladiators, and backs up the Portals.
Festering Stink - to get past interceptors.
Spinal Twist - to kill minions if they get int he way.
Palm Ripples, Violent Quiver - break the protection strategy and deal some extra dmg
Epiphany, Fade, Glubus, Mindlash, Fumble - helps cut cards from opponent's hand. Combo for Inner demons. Better with Full Monty
Writhing Horror - built to hit the original target.
Iron Monster - to protect 75% of your team.
Portalled Heist, Skull Splice, Suffocation - Pump removal
Shendondrian Dominatrix - Keep the raging man down! so you can finish him off without worrying about him coming back.
Combat Mind Trace, Distraction - incase they start attacking
Thought Cyphon - additional confusion if necessary.
Vengeful Blow, Alter Ego - to dish out DMG if Plan A and B don't work.