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Welcome to the Ophidian Universe, the #1 fan page for all Ophidian (Universe) Games, including 2369: The Search For Dr.Kopelman, Ophidian Redux & Get With the Flow… (an Ophidian 2355) RPG by Justich Fan Productions, Ophidian 2360 by Hack and Slash Games, Small Cave Games' Ophidian Wars, and of course, Ophidian 2350 CCG by Ophidian Inc./FLEER.

OGN Gladiator Spotlight • The Cyber-Demon • Get With the Flow... RPG

Gladiator Spotlight
The Cyber-Demon
Get With the Flow... RPG
The Cyber-Demon

Name: Draex-yur
Origin: Daemonhelm, Baalphegust’ gothzazo
Type: Demon Construct Mutant
Gender: Male
Disciplines: Tech Portal BioGen

The Cyber-Demon origins before his Ophidian capture are unknown, except for an unconfirmed rumor stating that he is a Demon Royalty from Daemonhelm. His frightening appearance would make most gladiators think twice before approaching him and his volatile nature makes him prone to fits of intense wrath. 
Komshof Mutate was captured by the Daemonhelm authorities after an assault on him by other Demons that were ostracizing him due to being a construct. The Ophidians were contacted, and they took him into custody. His introduction into the Ophidian Arena is more of a death sentence than a chance to redeem himself. He is dangerous, both in his hatred of humans and demons, and because he really doesn’t care about his fate or anything.

2344 Draex-yur joins the Matricc League with a 3VP rank.
2345 Draex-yur is placed in the small planetary Dashron League with a 2VP rank when the Ophidian League acquires the Matricc League.
2350 Draex-yur has multiples matches with Diomar Kalynx raising his rank to 3VP in hopes to be acquired by the Ophidian League.

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