Gladiator Spotlight
Ophidian 2360
VP: 1
Name: Simon Bantus
Origin: Yashrad, Sept Bracius System
Type: Alien
Gender: Male
Disciplines: Mystic
Simon was an extremely talented and well-paid medic who chose to devote his career to help planets whose medical technologies were light-years behind other more prosperous parts of the galaxy. He was framed for a murder by a jealous medic on one such planet, and the population turned on him with superstition for being of a different race.
He was about to be executed when Ophidian, hearing of the fate of the wealthy medic, bought his contract. Simon paid off most of the sentence leaving him penniless, and now must survive a short career in Ophidian to finish out his time. With little combat training, Simon’s prospects are grim, but he has hope.
2350 Fish has yet to fight a match. This season will be his first. Many don’t expect him to last a single fight. Like all unproven, he starts at 1VP.
2351 Fish is released from his contract after participating in last year's Matches at Varrenhold, Freakshow's Team vs. Opac's Team match, Lothar's Team vs. Lillith's Team match, Simon Bantus vs Taa Ra vs The Stallion match, and on the Line-Match Tournament.
2360 Fish was once again framed for murder and sentenced to the Ophidian Arenas.