The Journals of Baltazar Kor: Entry 14
by Hugo Ferreira
As soon as I arrived home I contacted Slud, as I wanted him to inform our client that I had the Guidings with me.
So now was payment time!!! As I had to wait for our client to arrange the credit transfer I decided to research who that old lady with the axe was.
It’s strange, and as soon as I get the info on my computer, only one name has to fit the profile data that I entered… GANDREL.
Well, after I froze, I finally received the call from Slud informing me that the transfer was made. So I sent him the Guidings gems.
One day later I received Slud confirmation that our client had received the gems, so I checked my account and my credits were there. But my curiosity made me ask who was the client… Slud did not want to tell me, but then he told me a name… LILA… and I froze once again.