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Welcome to the Ophidian Universe, the #1 fan page for all Ophidian (Universe) Games, including 2369: The Search For Dr.Kopelman, Ophidian Redux & Get With the Flow… (an Ophidian 2355) RPG by Justich Fan Productions, Ophidian 2360 by Hack and Slash Games, Small Cave Games' Ophidian Wars, and of course, Ophidian 2350 CCG by Ophidian Inc./FLEER.

Ophidian 2360 Survival of the Fittest Card List

Mental Block




 The Stranger



 Clairvoyant Orb

 Heightened Aggression x2

 Temporary Amnesia

 Berserker’s Rage x2

 Focusing Attention

 Intimidation x2

 Mind Over Body

 Skull Splice x2

 Terror Blast x2


 Kaleem’s Desire

 Soul Tendrils

 Lesser Healing

 Mystical Resilience

 Abhorrent Leviathan

 Glubus x2

 Doom Glyph x2

 Energy Collectors

 Poltek Aggrobot

 Poltek Killbot

 Demonic Combat Database x2

 Helix Gun Pod x2

 Mega-Ram Boost

 Phase Blades



 Bio Suit

 Energy Whip x2

 Strength of Fury

 Experimental Magenta Pill


 Glit Tharr


 Living Legend

Warrior’s Resolve


 Soul Cleaver

 The Conqueror


 Lady Leonore

 Fist of Kjann

 Inferno Spirit x2

 Mythic Beast x2

 Sand Spirit


 Soul Tendrils

 Call of the Elders x2

 Calm Hovering x2

 Elemental Energy

 Lesser Healing x2

 Let Freedom Ring x2

 Mystical Resilience


 Abhorrent Leviathan

 Bloaters x2

 He Who Hungers


 Blighted Blade

 Portal Prison x2

 Portalled Heist x2

 Grizzled Veteran

 Bio Suit

 Energy Whip

 Helix War Blade

 Kal Tasha’s Molten Hammer

 Alpha Strike

 Battle Madness

 Coalition Rally

 Dragon Strike

 Experimental Magenta Pill

 Mobilize x2

 Stealth Attack

 Trophy Hunter x2


 Heckler Shield

 Living Legend

Bio Hazard








 Gelatinous Beast

 Helix Aberration x2

 Bio-Augment x2

 Contact Virus x2

 Dripping Leak x2

 Exhaustion Flu

 Festering Stink

 Open Sores

 Peptide Growth Hormone

 Raskeleon Claws x2

 Adaptation x2

 Corrosive Saliva

 Clairvoyant Orb

 Temporary Amnesia x2

 Brain Barrage x2

 Focusing Attention

 Mind Over Body

 Third Eye


 Komshof Mutate x2

 Poltek Aggrobot

 Poltek Bladebot x2

 Poltek Gunbot

 Poltek Killbot

 Defense Shield

 Demonic Combat Database




 Enhance x2


 Epic Warrior

 Heckler Shield

War Machine



 Azulor Apók

 The Hunter



 Energy Collectors x2

 Poltek Aggrobot x2

 Poltek Bladebot

 Poltek Gunbot x2

 Poltek Killbot

 Defense Shield x2

 Mega-Ram Boost x2

 Phase Blades x2

 Siphon x2

 Bombers x2

 Calculate x2


 Grizzled Veteran

 Bio Suit

 Helix War Blade x2

 Sunder Maul x2

 Alpha Strike x2

 Battle Madness x2

 Blood Motives x2

 Coalition Rally

 Dragon Strike

 Mobilize x2

 Stealth Attack x2


 Glit Tharr


 Epic Warrior

 Heckler Shield

 Living Legend

Art of War





 Lord Magnus



 Gelatinous Beast

 Helix Aberration


 Contact Virus

 Dripping Leak

 Exhaustion Flu

 Festering Stink x2

 Open Sores

 Peptide Growth Hormone x2

 Savage Bite x2

 Raskeleon Claws

 Corrossive Saliva x2

 Heightened Aggression x2

 Brain Barrage

 Mind Over Body x2

 Third Eye

 Grizzled Veteran x2

 Physstra Befouler x2

 Energy Whip

 Helix War Blade

 Kal Tasha’s Molten Hammer

 Strength of Fury

 Sunder Maul

 Alpha Strike

 Battle Madness

 Blood Motives x2

 Coalition Rally x2

 Dragon Strike


 Stealth Attack



 Heckler Shield

 Living Legend

Otherworld Allies



 Avatar of Kistarbak




 Fist of Kjann

 Inferno Spirit

 Mythic Beast x2

 Kaleem’s Desire

 Sand Spirit

 Solace x2

 Soul Tendrils

 Call of the Elders

 Calm Hovering

 Elemental Energy

 Mystical Resilience


 Clairvoyant Orb

 Focusing Attention

 Skull Splice

 Third Eye

 Abhorrent Leviathan

 Brood Mother x2


 He Who Hungers

 Kanterkin x2

 Nameless Hero x2

 Pab’an Mercenary x2

 Pab’an War Chief x2

 Ranchek x2

 Blighted Blade x2

 Doom Glyph x2

 Portalled Heist

 Strength of Fury

 Sunder Maul

 Experimental Magenta Pill


 Epic Warrior




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