That's right, the normally calm and calculating Version 9 went on a rampage in the Tarn System after hearing about his demotion. Some believe this was all a PR stunt but with 6 billion in credits worth of damages the Ophidians have come down hard. Could this be a sign Version 9's on his way out or his way up? Only time will tell.
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From: Arena_Fan
Subj: (no subject)
You gett'um V9! Woooo! 6 billion creds in damages. And I thought he was good in the arena. I hope he kicks all those pidian scaleys back to Sysslanth! Can't wait for the footage to come in.
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From: Venicia
Subj: Version 9 stunt
Call me cynical, but Version 9 is not the type to suddenly blow his top, even if he did lose top billing.
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