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Welcome to the Ophidian Universe, the #1 fan page for all Ophidian (Universe) Games, including 2369: The Search For Dr.Kopelman, Ophidian Redux & Get With the Flow… (an Ophidian 2355) RPG by Justich Fan Productions, Ophidian 2360 by Hack and Slash Games, Small Cave Games' Ophidian Wars, and of course, Ophidian 2350 CCG by Ophidian Inc./FLEER.

Ophidian League Rules

Ophidian League Rules 
Here is a list of all League Rules. Rules are released once per month.

Ophidian League in the Sept Bracius System (October) 
Sept Bracius System, Yashrad - The announcer (Agent) of the tournament shouts to all the players: Let the games begin. The preseason is over and the official season is underway. As always, we are in Yashrad in Sept Bracius, a place full of history. The Bracius system was on the verge of civil war, when the Ophidians, as arbiters, declared a gladiator match to be held between the two sides. The war was averted and each half of Bracius was named after their champion in duel, with the winner, Septis, leading the council until the next match. This tradition lives on 154 years later through the Ophidian games. Enjoy the celebration in Gocea Arena and get ready for the best year yet as the Justich Federation joins the Ophidian League.

Arena rules (For Ophidian 2350 players) 
Rules: Standard 
Gladiators: Manager’s choice 
Specials: None 
Scoring: Standard

Ophidian League in the Justich System (November) 
Justich System; Volke, Opali, and Tigbar - For the first time in Ophidian history, the Justich system is added to the Ophidian circuit. In honor of the Justich system, both November and December will be hosted by the Justich federation. In memory of this momentous occasion, the Tigbars are putting on a special combat display sure to please those hometown crowds and warriors everywhere.

Arena rules (For Ophidian 2350 players) 
Rules: Standard 
Gladiators: Manager’s choice 
Specials: When you use the card Tigbar Rolls for the first time in a match, gain 1 Cheer. 
Scoring: Standard

Ophidian League in the Justich System (December) 
Justich System; Surge and Solop Avagar - We find ourselves in Surge, run by House Pol-tec and their cybernetic lords, the home of Version 9, and also in beautiful downtown Solop Avagar, home of Freakshow and Little Jinx. To honor these hometown heroes, Version Nine will start with a slightly larger purse, and the entire crowd will be chanting Freakshow and Jinx whenever they enter the arena. Last year Freakshow destroyed 2 Gladiators with one kick, what will Justich’s start gladiator do this time?

Arena rules (For Ophidian 2350 players) 
Rules: Standard 
Gladiators: Manager’s choice 
Specials: Any team that contains Gladiator Version 9 will begin Wave 1 with +1 CP. Any team that contains the Gladiators Freakshow and Little Jinx will start the game with 1 Cheer. 
Scoring: Standard

Ophidian League in the Tarn System (January) 
Tarn System, Toreador - Many of the planets in the Tarn System are led by the Kelnite religious order. The Kelnites are tolerant of other races but will not tolerate other religions. The Kelnite Purity Campaign caused many of the non-converted population to leave for the Matricc System, and they are getting more and more fanatical each passing day. Currently, the Kelnites are undecided on which discipline best adheres to their beliefs.

Arena rules (For Ophidian 2350 players) 
Rules: Standard 
Gladiators: Manager’s choice 
Speech: At the start of the game, each player may preach a sermon on why the Kelnites should support their discipline. Keep it short, but speak loudly so everyone can hear. If you make a speech, you start the game with +1 Cheer. 
Unity in Belief: The Kelnites support unity in philosophical beliefs. If all the gladiators on your starting gladiator team have one shared discipline, you begin each Wave with +1 CP and your opponent cannot make playing a positive strategy card of that discipline negative with Cheer. 
Scoring: Standard

Ophidian League in the Matricc System (February) 
Matricc System, Varrenhold - The Matricc System’s recovery from the Dark Ages is due mostly to gladiator combat. Refugees from the Tarn System added to the variety in Varrenhold’s population. Its diversity and democratic government makes it the cultural center of the Matricc System.

Arena rules (For Ophidian 2350 players) 
Rules: Standard 
Gladiators: Manager’s choice 
Freedom of Variety: Arenas on Varrenhold reward an assorted team of gladiators. If your starting gladiator team can let you play all six disciplines (this is a Matricc deck), you get +2 Bonus cards during the breather and start the match with +2 VP and +2 Cheer. 
Kelnite Protests: Sometimes, Kelnite fanatics hold protests in Varrenhold. If your opponent plays a Kelnite deck (all gladiators on their team each have one shared discipline) against your Matricc deck and wins, they score +3 VP for their win.

Ophidian League in the Leonide System (March) 
Leonide System, New Ruege - The Leonide System is actually made up of two intertwined star systems. Home of the Gercans and birthplace of Nukatal technology, it is on constant alert for a war with the Raskelons. Casandra III and Meredine have both been hit with plagues and are now under strict quarantine.

Arena rules (For Ophidian 2350 players) 
Rules: Standard 
Gladiators: Manager’s choice 
Hometown Heroes: All gladiators from this system (e.g. Lothar, Lillith, and The Stallion) gain +1 Cheer when their attacks against unset gladiators are not intercepted or protected. 
Arms Advancement: New Ruege is at the helm of scientific advancement and has some of the most advanced personnel weapons in the universe. When you play a weapon or armor, you may either lower its Play Cost by 1 or make it a positive flow action. 
Scoring: Standard

Ophidian League in the Raskelon System (April) 
Raskelon System, Dkarthad Homeworld - As the Raskelon Dkarthad’s anti-human sentiment reaches its apex, there’s no worse time to be a human gladiator in the Raskelon system. At the same time, the demon’s are loved and revered by this mostly alien system.

Arena rules (For Ophidian 2350 players) 
Rules: Standard 
Gladiators: Manager’s choice 
The Merciless Raskelon Arenas: Only because of pressure from the Ophidians, have the Raskelon’s allowed humans to compete, but they won’t make it an easy battle. That being said, there is one sure way for a human to endear themselves to this anti-human crowd: By sacrificing themselves for an “advanced” species. 
If a human intercepts an attack against an alien or demon when a cheer was at risk, they gain +1 Cheer. If that human dies in the course of that interception they gain an additional +1 Cheer. Attacks by humans do not generate Cheer. 
Demons Rule: When a demon of yours is killed, they count as +1 VP for your opponent for taking down a revered species. For every demon a player controls that survives to the end of the game, they gain +1 VP.

Ophidian League in the Garina System (May/June) 
Garina System, Gasherdel - This system has been hit hard by the Krevlocs and other dangerous creatures who have been portaling in unusual amounts through the quarantined areas of Garina space. At the same time, the Ophidians, under the watchful eye of the Seventh Vanguard have been allowing more and more Krevloc species deemed “non-contagious” to be brought into the arenas. This move has drawn much trepidation and also interest in Gasherdel, luckily still out of reach of the Krevloc hordes... or so they thought. 
A recent subspace anomaly has threatened the safety of all of Gasherdel as it has allowed Krevlocs to breach the containment of the quarantine. It’s now a race to stop the Krevloc breach and close the portal.

Arena rules (For Ophidian 2350 players) 
Rules: Standard 
Gladiators: Manager’s choice 
Krevloc Invasion: For this month, players are allowed to put any number of Krevlocs into their decks and all players regardless of discipline may play them as if they were universal. 
When any player is able to get 10 or more Krevlocs into play at any one time, the Krevloc invasion has overrun the field and they automatically win the game. 
When any player has destroyed 10 or more Krevlocs, the crisis has been averted, and they automatically win the game. 
Scoring: Standard

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