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Welcome to the Ophidian Universe, the #1 fan page for all Ophidian (Universe) Games, including 2369: The Search For Dr.Kopelman, Ophidian Redux & Get With the Flow… (an Ophidian 2355) RPG by Justich Fan Productions, Ophidian 2360 by Hack and Slash Games, Small Cave Games' Ophidian Wars, and of course, Ophidian 2350 CCG by Ophidian Inc./FLEER.

Check Out the Poll

I had put up poll awhile back and gave it a good amount of time to marinate and gather a reasonable sample size.  It closed with 71 votes which is pretty solid - time to reflect.

So the goal was to get a feel for what people though the best XBLIG game concept was, just based on a quick description, and initial reaction. 

Avatar Turn-based RPG (16 votes):  With the popularity of Avatar games and their unique ability to boost sales (often simply based on Avatar inclusion), I actually thought this concept might have been more popular.   However, that might have to do with the demographic/type of person visiting our blog.  What's interesting is that while the poll was active a couple Avatar RPG (not turn-based, but action) games were released.   And from what I can tell, they are doing very well with sales.   That said, I actually have very little interest in developing an Avatar RPG - but conceptually I thought it had success potential.

Action RPG where you play the Shopkeeper (16 votes): I was happy to see this concept get some love because I feel like it's the most unusual of the bunch.   In my mind I envision this game as a genre mash up that involves RTS and Tower Defense elements, but where you play a modest shopkeeper dealing with obnoxious heroes, annoying critters, and thieves.  There are only a handful of games that force role-reversal and put you in charge of what is typically an NPC character, so it would be a fun concept to explore.

2D Co-op Action/Exploratory Platformer (with leveling) (39 votes): Conceptually this sounds like an auto-win because anything that can replicate the beauty and fun of a 2D Metroid and/or Castlevania game gets people fired up.    Add in co-op play, and you sort of have Contra with exploratory and leveling components.   I believe the catch is that execution is far more complex than the summary sounds.   Balancing the co-op elements and dealing with 2 players exploring various areas at the same time would get tricky.   You also have to allow a single player to play through alone, so co-op puzzles are void and you'd have to potentially scale the difficulty/RPG elements for 2 players.   Propper execution would be golden = offering the ambiance and pacing of games like Metroid and Aquaria (offering a less linear world), and letting two players enjoy that sense of exploration and conquest together.  It could be done - and I hope to attempt it some day.

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