I just wanted to send a quick thank you to those who are buying Ophidian Wars off TheGameCrafter website. I know it's not always an easy decision to buy a print-on-demand game that most folks have never heard of, so I appreciate it. I wish you many ferocious victories.
If you need any support whatsoever, or would like the "Dark Rooks" mini-expansion of 5 new gladiators (see image), please reach out at cevo70@yahoo.com. These 5 new gladiators definitely can spice up your team composition.
In the meantime, please note that the break in activity is because of the focus on Ophidian 2360, a "sister" game by Hack and Slash Games set in the same Ophidian universe. Ophidian Wars and Ophidian 2360 share some mechanics and some characters, but Ophidian Wars is a bit lighter with 74 total unique cards and takes place after the events of Ophidian 2360.