Our post today is the showcase of the 158 cards released so far for the Ophidian 2360 brand. Here you will find the most up-to-date card list.
Ophidian 2360: Survival of the Fittest - Mental Block Deck
- Ragnarok Lv1/Lv2/Lv3/Lv4
- Animator Lv1/Lv2/Lv3/Lv4
- The Stranger Lv1/Lv2/Lv3/Lv4
- Livewire Lv1/Lv2/Lv3/Lv4
- Locus Lv0
- Clairvoyant Orb
- Heightened Aggression x2
- Temporary Amnesia
- Berserker’s Rage x2
- Focusing Attention
- Intimidation x2
- Mind Over Body
- Skull Splice x2
- Terror Blast x2
- Wrath
- Kaleem’s Desire
- Soul Tendrils
- Lesser Healing
- Mystical Resilience
- Abhorrent Leviathan
- Glubus x2
- Doom Glyph x2
- Energy Collectors
- Poltek Aggrobot
- Poltek Killbot
- Demonic Combat Database x2
- Helix Gun Pod x2
- Mega-Ram Boost
- Phase Blades
- Siphon
- Enhance
- Bio Suit
- Energy Whip x2
- Strength of Fury
- Experimental Magenta Pill
- Angie
- Glit Tharr
- Odgen
- Living Legend
- Cheer Tracker
- Resource Tracker
- Rules Reference (Front)(Back)
Ophidian 2360: Survival of the Fittest - Warrior’s Resolve Deck
- Soul Cleaver Lv1/Lv2/Lv3/Lv4
- The Conqueror Lv1/Lv2/Lv3/Lv4
- Vengeance Lv1/Lv2/Lv3/Lv4
- Lady Leonore Lv0
- Fist of Kjann
- Inferno Spirit x2
- Mythic Beast x2
- Sand Spirit
- Solace
- Soul Tendrils
- Call of the Elders x2
- Calm Hovering x2
- Elemental Energy
- Lesser Healing x2
- Let Freedom Ring x2
- Mystical Resilience
- Revitilization
- Abhorrent Leviathan
- Bloaters x2
- He Who Hungers
- Ranchek
- Blighted Blade
- Portal Prison x2
- Portalled Heist x2
- Grizzled Veteran
- Bio Suit
- Energy Whip
- Helix War Blade
- Kal Tasha’s Molten Hammer
- Alpha Strike
- Battle Madness
- Coalition Rally
- Dragon Strike
- Experimental Magenta Pill
- Mobilize x2
- Stealth Attack
- Trophy Hunter x2
- J’enn
- Heckler Shield
- Living Legend
- Cheer Tracker
- Resource Tracker
- Rules Reference (Front)(Back)
Ophidian 2360: Survival of the Fittest - Bio Hazard Deck
- Pandemica Lv1/Lv2/Lv3/Lv4
- Zenith Lv1/Lv2/Lv3/Lv4
- Pathogenesis Lv1/Lv2/Lv3/Lv4
- G’frhtru Lv1/Lv2
- Wither Lv0
- Abomidor
- Gelatinous Beast
- Helix Aberration x2
- Bio-Augment x2
- Contact Virus x2
- Dripping Leak x2
- Exhaustion Flu
- Festering Stink
- Open Sores
- Peptide Growth Hormone
- Raskeleon Claws x2
- Adaptation x2
- Corrosive Saliva
- Clairvoyant Orb
- Temporary Amnesia x2
- Brain Barrage x2
- Focusing Attention
- Mind Over Body
- Third Eye
- Wrath
- Komshof Mutate x2
- Poltek Aggrobot
- Poltek Bladebot x2
- Poltek Gunbot
- Poltek Killbot
- Defense Shield
- Demonic Combat Database
- Siphon
- Bombers
- Calculate
- Enhance x2
- J’enn
- Epic Warrior
- Heckler Shield
- Cheer Tracker
- Resource Tracker
- Rules Reference (Front)(Back)
Ophidian 2360: Survival of the Fittest - War Machine Deck
- Legion Lv1/Lv2/Lv3/Lv4
- Azulor Apók Lv1/Lv2
- The Hunter Lv1/Lv2/Lv3/Lv4
- Berserker Lv1/Lv2/Lv3/Lv4
- Pike Lv0
- Energy Collectors x2
- Poltek Aggrobot x2
- Poltek Bladebot
- Poltek Gunbot x2
- Poltek Killbot
- Defense Shield x2
- Mega-Ram Boost x2
- Phase Blades x2
- Siphon x2
- Bombers x2
- Calculate x2
- Enhance
- Grizzled Veteran
- Bio Suit
- Helix War Blade x2
- Sunder Maul x2
- Alpha Strike x2
- Battle Madness x2
- Blood Motives x2
- Coalition Rally
- Dragon Strike
- Mobilize x2
- Stealth Attack x2
- Odgen
- Glit Tharr
- Angie
- Epic Warrior
- Heckler Shield
- Living Legend
- Cheer Tracker
- Resource Tracker
- Rules Reference (Front)(Back)
Ophidian 2360: Survival of the Fittest - Art of War Deck
- Grandstander Lv1/Lv2/Lv3/Lv4
- Karnage Lv1/Lv2/Lv3/Lv4
- Kos’Bargithd Lv1/Lv2/Lv3/Lv4
- Lord Magnus Lv1/Lv2
- Swordbender Lv0
- Abomidor
- Gelatinous Beast
- Helix Aberration
- Bio-Augment
- Contact Virus
- Dripping Leak
- Exhaustion Flu
- Festering Stink x2
- Open Sores
- Peptide Growth Hormone x2
- Savage Bite x2
- Raskeleon Claws
- Corrossive Saliva x2
- Heightened Aggression x2
- Brain Barrage
- Mind Over Body x2
- Third Eye
- Grizzled Veteran x2
- Physstra Befouler x2
- Energy Whip
- Helix War Blade
- Kal Tasha’s Molten Hammer
- Strength of Fury
- Sunder Maul
- Alpha Strike
- Battle Madness
- Blood Motives x2
- Coalition Rally x2
- Dragon Strike
- Mobilize
- Stealth Attack
- Angie
- J’enn
- Heckler Shield
- Living Legend
- Cheer Tracker
- Resource Tracker
- Rules Reference (Front)(Back)
Ophidian 2360: Survival of the Fittest - Otherworld Allies Deck
- Arkzilipul Lv1/Lv2/Lv3/Lv4
- Avatar of Kistarbak Lv1/Lv2/Lv3/Lv4
- Penumbra Lv1/Lv2/Lv3/Lv4
- Gateweaver Lv1/Lv2/Lv3/Lv4
- Maelstrom Lv0
- Fist of Kjann
- Inferno Spirit
- Mythic Beast x2
- Kaleem’s Desire
- Sand Spirit
- Solace x2
- Soul Tendrils
- Call of the Elders
- Calm Hovering
- Elemental Energy
- Mystical Resilience
- Revitilization
- Clairvoyant Orb
- Focusing Attention
- Skull Splice
- Third Eye
- Abhorrent Leviathan
- Brood Mother x2
- Glubus
- He Who Hungers
- Kanterkin x2
- Nameless Hero x2
- Pab’an Mercenary x2
- Pab’an War Chief x2
- Ranchek x2
- Blighted Blade x2
- Doom Glyph x2
- Portalled Heist
- Strength of Fury
- Sunder Maul
- Experimental Magenta Pill
- Odgen
- Epic Warrior
- Cheer Tracker
- Resource Tracker
- Rules Reference (Front)(Back)
Ophidian 2360: Promo Cards
- The Sludge Lv0 001
- Ulaga Lv0 002
- Judge Mental Lv0 003
- Hex Lv0 004
- Deton8 Lv0 005
- Hammerhands Lv0 006
- Zdantal Lv1/Lv2 007
- The Corruptor Lv1/Lv2/Lv3/Lv4 008/009
- QuickRazor Lv1/Lv2 010
- Desert Aegis Lv1/Lv2 011
- Legion (ext. art) Lv1/Lv2 012
- Abhorrent Leviathan (ext. art) 013
- Skull Dancer 023
Ophidian 2360: Hostile Takeover mini-expansion/ Promo Cards (continued)
- Mark of Xan 014
- NecroTek Mangler 015
- Assault Drone 016
- Anima Lv1/Lv2 017
- Dark Scry Lv1/Lv2 018
- Stinger Lv1/Lv2 019
- Helix Striker 020
- Steel Blitz 021
- Sutama’s Core 022
Ophidian 2360: People's Champion mini-expansion
- Warrior of State 001
- You’re Fired! 002
- Green Mother Lv0 003
- Xeno-Quarantine 004
- Give Me Liberty! 005
- Spear of the Sparrow 006
- Contentious Barrier 007
- The Revolution Lv1/Lv2/Lv3/Lv4 008/009
- The Wraith Lv1/Lv2 010
- Portalled Cyborg 011
- Paranoid Persecution 012
- Harnessed Dracyyr 013