Gladiator Spotlight
Get With the Flow... RPG
VP: 2
Name: Unknown
Type: Demon
Gender: Male
Origin: Skiverkilial, Baalphegust’ gothzazo
Disciplines: Bio-tek Mystic
Little is known about this cadaverous demon known as Pestilence. His origins are uncertain, but some gladiator experts think since he fights alongside certain demons (especially Kos'Bargithd) he might be from Skiverkilial. It is rumored that he is thousands of years old and that he is one of the four War-bringers of the Apocalypse on many worlds. Storytellers claim that this gladiator brought chaos and destruction to the arenas since the dawn of combat.
Nowadays, he competes only on special Demon Wars Invitationals in the Ophidian Arenas, and his public appearances are very limited. In the rare events that he competes, he always has on his side the Devourer of Souls, the Dark Arkzilipul. The matter of their union is uncertain, but the havoc that they bring to the battlegrounds is a warning of the coming Apocalypse.
Pestilence commands a deadly horde of plague flies, controlled in some way by his running sores and disease on his body.
2350 Pestilence was one of the main intervenients and rivals for the tragic rise of David Dangers on winning the 2050's Teams Championships.