The Journals of Baltazar Kor: Entry 7
by Hugo Ferreira
I went to Surge, I’ve found an easy acquisition… one thing on that stupid mechanic planed… the only thing they look at is credits.
So I did what a man got to do to get things done… I paid some major House of Pol-tec gangsters some credits and they were very willing to tell me where was the giant Golem made of Opali marble.
And after two days in an excavation site, I found the marble giant… at this point, the House of Pol-tec members wanted to keep the giant for them.
I didn’t like to hear that, after all, I just paid 100 credits for it… another easy fix, as I gently offered more than 200 credits to remove the Gem that the giant had incrusted on his chest.
At the end of the day, I was with less than 300 credits and one of the three Guidings in my hand… So one’s packed two to go.