Gladiator Spotlight
Get With the Flow... RPG
VP: 5
Name: Tra Nevi
Type: Alien
Gender: Female
Origin: Gasherdel, Garina System
Disciplines: Warrior Mystic
Tra Nevi, The Third Gandrel, is the granddaughter of "Fet Gandrel" Nevi, that is the daughter of the Legendary Gladiators Gandrel, Heiress Tya (the first Gladiator to hold a 5 V.P. rank on Ophidian League), and Zdantal, Dark Mystics of Dethos. At the time of Heiress Tya's retirement, Gandrel was ranked 3 V.P. on the Ophidian Arenas. Though she retired, she did not retire her legendary ax. She instead turned it over to the Ophidians, for use in future matches.
Tra Nevi is equal to her grandmother in beauty and spirit and ability. There are seven other people on Gasherdel named Gandrel, named after the gladiator, and others throughout the various systems, any one of which could potentially be the embodiment. Then there are those that believe Gandrel was THE Gandrel but was foolish, lost the battle she was foretold to win, and has sealed a gloomy fate for her people. Regardless of who the reincarnation is, there is general agreement that the ax is the key to fighting off evil. People have sent petitions to the Ophidians to return Gandrel's Ax to the Garina system, but the Ophidians have yet to acknowledge the request.
850 Gandrel, The Great Balancer according to Garina Mythology was a human male who could cure the sick. But not everyone who was healed returned to normal. Some changed drastically in personality, showing uncharacteristic, aggressive behavior. Gandrel took it upon himself to bring about the end of a person's life if they showed this behavior. His weapon of choice was a two-bladed ax.
862 Gandrel gained an official following of cultists, collectively known as The Gandrels, who taught a number of conflicting messages regarding the staving off of death.
1580 On Gal-rul, Garina a girl was born, and her parents named her Gandrel. There was no reason for the name. They didn't know the ancient language, they didn't know the myths of Gandrel, and they just liked the sound of the name. Gandrel showed early signs of great abilities. She was trained to be a healer by her father, and a peace officer by her mother. As she grew up, Gandrel wanted to join the army.
1600 Gandrel's Ax was discovered on an excavation on Gasherdel by the current ruler of Gasherdel, Gen Nevi. In an attempt to win the soldier Gandrel's affection, he stole the ax from the site and gave it to her.
1612 The soldier became known as "Do Gandrel," or sometimes just "Do," The Second.
1619 Reports of Gandrel sightings were seen on Gasherdel, Garina
1999 Reports of Gandrel sightings were seen on Gasherdel, Garina
2199 Gandrel (II - Heiress Tya) title was granted to Heiress Tya Nevi after her father discovered a mystic Ax dedicated to a goddess of war that struck a strong resemblance to Tya.
2200 Gandrel (II - Heiress Tya) joins the Ophidian League with the special rank - 0 VP, as she was the first Gladiator to join the League from outside the Bracius systems.
2338 Gandrel (II - Heiress Tya) retires from Ophidian League with a 3 VP rank, but she did not retire her legendary ax. She instead turned it over to the Ophidians, for use in future matches.
2355 Gandrel (III - Tra Nevi) returns to Ophidian League on an exclusive special matches deal, maintaining the special rank her mother had, but updated into the current Rank System - 5 VP.