Gladiator Spotlight
Lady Lotus
Get with the Flow... RPG
VP: 2
Name: Gabriela Ginrei Nakamura
Origin: Dashron, Matricc System
Type: Human
Gender: Female
Disciplines: Psionic Warrior
Lady Lotus is one of the best students that ever came from Naru Kami Dojo, her mesmerizing abilities match her sensei, and some even say that she managed to surpass him over the years. After graduating from the Dojo she entered the Dashron's Planetary League, ascending to the top of the league in only one year and gaining a top spot on Matricc League, where she stayed until the 2345's Matricc League acquisition by the Ophidian Empire.
Lady Lotus maintained a steady spot while still maintaining her trainer status at the Dashron's Planetary League, until a few years ago where she took a sabbatical time to help in the recovery of Diomar Kalynx a friend and a former Gladiator after him being sidelined on the Arenas. Recently after she returned to active competition, more vicious than ever, and with an unseen weaponry arsenal that features two ancient fans.
2328 Lady Lotus starts her martial arts formation on Naru Kami Dojo at the age of 6.
2339 Lady Lotus graduates from the Naru Kami Dojo and enlists the Dashron's Planetary League with a 2 VP rank.
2340 Lady Lotus after decimating the entire Dashron's Planetary League roster for over a year she joins the Matricc League with a 3 VP rank.
2345 Lady Lotus joins Ophidian League with a 3 VP rank after that year the Matricc League acquisition by the Ophidian Empire.
2346 Lady Lotus retains her 3 VP rank after winning the Three-Gladiator Team Pyramid Match with her team.
2349 Lady Lotus is promoted to a 4 VP rank after winning the Three-Gladiator Team Pyramid Match with her team for the fourth year in a row.
2352 Lady Lotus takes a sabbatical from the Ophidian League in order to help in the recovery of Diomar Kalynx a friend and a former Gladiator after him being sidelined for over six years and maintaining her trainer status at the Dashron's Planetary League.
2360 Lady Lotus returns to active competition, but due to her long absence, she is demoted to a 2 VP rank.