Gladiator Spotlight
Black Knight
Get With the Flow... RPG
VP: 2
Name: Dean Kincaid
Type: Alien
Gender: Male
Origin: Gasherdel, Garina System
Disciplines: Cybernetics Mystic
Dean Kincaid was a Seventh Vanguard guard stationed on Gasherdel in the Garina System. He was one of the best in what he did, until one day that he fell in disgrace, due to being in love with a slave that belonged to one superior officer. At first, everything was good, they had to convert their love but soon the worst had happened, they were discovered. And some of the guards weren't very happy about the two, and they raped her.
The attack was so brutal that she entered a coma, the captain of the station made a notification of the happened. Dean Kincaid runs to the sickbay praying that wasn't her, as soon as he knew what happened, but it was her. Rage started to grown on him, so he went to his room and opened his closet and took one of his swords, and went after the guards.
When he finally spotted then the sword blade started to gloom in a dark glow, in a way that Dean thought she was alive and wanted vengeance, with a precise strike he killed all of them. As soon as the captain arrived at the spot the sword had disappeared into Dean's body. The captain tried to find responsibilities, but the sword was never encountered. Dean Kincaid was exiled and delivered to the Ophidian Lords in order to punish him for killing the other guards.
2355 Black Knight was exiled from the 7th Vanguard and delivered to the Ophidian Lords. As punishment, he has given a 2VP rank in the Ophidian League.