Facing Facts
It's been a while. We know that. We've been churning away in the meantime, trying to add more content for you while we try to find new avenues to promote the game... but that doesn't get the game into your hands. So... we're going to take a bit of a turn.
Here are the levels as we last described them to you:
- The Core Box - This will contain approximately 425 cards, 12 dice, 6 acrylic Rage tokens, 4 acrylic Resource tokens, 4 acrylic Cheer tokens, 4 acrylic VP tokens, a rulebook, and 4 folded paper playmats. This will all be contained in a custom 'longbox' with ample extra space for more cards.
- The Playmat Kit - This slightly larger custom box will contain 4 different rolled neoprene playmats.
- The Expansion - This 'white boxed' expansion will contain approximately 400 additional cards, including the drafting cards, as well as ~20 custom dividers for use in the core box to help divide the cards. The contents of this box will fit into the core box.
Here are the changes we're making:
- One of the big cost drivers in this equation is the cost of custom paper-wrapped boxes. So... they're out. We're going to create a more cost-effective storage option. It might not be the best, but it should suit everyone's card storage needs. We will make a storage box available for the playmats, but it will be in a different form.
- The other change is to the folded paper playmats. Getting something decent printed, folded, and in a usable form just doesn't make financial sense, nor does it give you a quality, usable mat. At least, not at low volumes. What we're going to do instead is the following: for those who are supposed to get neoprene mats, those will still be included. For those who were only going to get paper playmats, we will make neoprene mats available to you AT COST (limit 4).
We realize that these changes are far from ideal, but we feel that it's more important to get something playable in your hands as soon as possible, rather than waiting for ideal.
Print and Play
We heard your request for print and play, and we're working on PDF files that we can share with you.
Updates coming soon.
We promised an update about Backlash, so here's some more. Backlash cards will be in 'stock' piles (one for each discipline) as part of the game setup, if you have any cards that reference/use Backlash cards. They have pros/cons, so using them will require some thought about your strategy.
It's been a while, so here's a preview of a new gladiator:
Thank you all!