Hello and welcome to all of our backers!
We've added a lot of additional content to our project, including an updated rules summary, additional game information, and more! Be sure to review the main campaign page for frequent updates!
As we enter our first week of this Kickstarter, we know we have a long way to go, and MANY surprises up our sleeves, including additional cards, additional decks, and more! As we reach our stretch goals, each of you will see your rewards increase... there are exciting things on the road ahead!
Our friends over at RebelSaga interviewed Robert Shofkom, our president, at OwlCon this weekend... here's the interview:
As a thank you for your support here's another preview - This is Grizzled Veteran, a Warrior Minion that can really help your team out in a jam!

And one more item of note: BACKERCLUB.CO, the exclusive club for Kickstarter Backers, has chosen our project to feature on their site! Here is the information:

BackerClub is an exclusive club for people who love Kickstarter and back a ton of projects. BackerClub is featuring our campaign in the Club this week. We're excited about what they are doing and hope you like it too!
Thanks again, and we'll see you in the arena!
Jason Robinette
Vice-President of Marketing and Design
Hack and Slash Games
Jason Robinette
Vice-President of Marketing and Design
Hack and Slash Games