Gladiator Spotlight
Crystal Lynne
Ophidian 2360
VP: 1 (Reinforcement)
Name: Xanza
Origin: Ashrock, OutWorlds
Type: Spectral
Gender: Female
Disciplines: Mystic Psionic
Crystal Lynne is a red crystalline Spectral, her composition is some of the hardest and sharpest known in existence, hence the Ophidian interest, but those crystals can shatter under certain pressures and conditions. Given her body, all of her attacks are highly piercing and she cuts right through most armor. Some say that Crystal Lynne comes from the Cliffs of Ashrock, others rumors indicate that she was once an Ophidian Gladiator fallen in disgrace due to her ability to expand out her arm crystal shards to create a fanned shield for more armor, a move that she only could have learned in the arenas. The truth we might never know, but the Ophidian Empire is highly interested in her since her tryout on the Justich Royal Circuit years ago, mostly due to her being fit to be exploited as a crystalline resource and as a weapon in the arenas.
2357 Crystal Lynne is rescued from the OutWorlds and placed on Justich Royal Circuit by the Ophidians to research her abilities.
2360 Crystal Lynne enters Ophidian League with a 1VP rank, acting reinforcement.