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Welcome to the Ophidian Universe, the #1 fan page for all Ophidian (Universe) Games, including 2369: The Search For Dr.Kopelman, Ophidian Redux & Get With the Flow… (an Ophidian 2355) RPG by Justich Fan Productions, Ophidian 2360 by Hack and Slash Games, Small Cave Games' Ophidian Wars, and of course, Ophidian 2350 CCG by Ophidian Inc./FLEER.

Grakkan's Union • Chapter Fourteen "Breakfast of Champions"

There is a long-standing tradition in Grakkan's Union that the reigning magistrate provides breakfast for the top teams competing for the championship a day prior to the match. Magistrate Vellun's staff had been cooking for five hours before the guests arrived. Kavorkian "Mr. Grakkan" Grantun, and his two team members, the yellow-pink Chrysan, and the short, yellow-green pinstriped Nylan, arrived first.


"Right this way, my honored guests," Magistrate Vellun swept them into the dining area and the large table at the center of it all. The table was triangular in shape, with the short side the clear head, and no foot to the table. There were thirty chairs poised and ready, four along the shortest side, the rest evenly distributed. Temporary servants ushered Kavorkian into a sturdy chair, rightmost on the honored side, and subtly told his teammates to sit on a different arm. Chrysan sat as close to Kavorkian as she could; Nylan left a buffer chair between them.


Slice, in his screaming red and muffled pale suit, showed up next. His bodyguard, Splat, the large roll of muscle, was behind him. He was also subtly told he should not sit at the head, and took the closest chair he could, across the expanse from Chrysan. Splat stood behind him. Shortly, Sace showed up. She was not the bright light she had been previously but was a dying orange and red color. She caused furniture to cast long shadows about the room wherever she went. She did not sit but rather existed around the un-chaired point of the table. Catdemon slipped inside, without a greeting, and left plenty of chairs between himself and Slice. Kashen arrived next and took his rightful place at the left hand of Magistrate Vellun.


Last to arrive was Team Diamond, all at once. Two servants attended to Lady Diamond, removing her cloak and escorting her to the remaining chair at the head, forcing her between Kashen and Slice. Both greeted her with a forced compliment and a kiss to her hand, one making her skin burn, the other just making it crawl. Magistrate Vellun at least sounded sincere when he air-kissed her.


Gail had her own servant, who removed her cloak and led her to a chair beside Catdemon. Captain Impressive and Johnny Alpha filled the remaining gaps on that side of the table. The Kid wore a cloak, and a hat more appropriate for fishing than visiting someone of importance, but chose to keep them on. His cloak had once belonged to The Oxforian Prince, but The Kid had clearly made it his own, with the stains and tears and burns that this season of fighting had dished out. He wore the imperfections with pride and sat between Chrysan and Nylan. With the party all there, breakfast was served.




"Magistrate Vellun," Lady Diamond asked, breaking the resounding silence with a topic fit for conversation, "Is this the first time there has been a three-way match in the Grakkan Final?"


Magistrate Vellun shook his head thoughtfully while he swallowed. "No, third time, I believe. Just two years ago there was a case where three teams had tied for first and the other..." He thought a moment...


"Twenty-eight years ago," interrupted Johnny Alpha. "The year the Iridescentoids won."


"Ah, yes," laughed Magistrate Vellun, "you were around for that, weren't you?"


"Fought in that match," said Kavorkian.


"I was out that season, but I saw it," noted Captain Impressive.


Again Magistrate Vellun laughed. "I nearly forget how much experience is in this room. Yes, indeed, you all are like a time capsule of Grakkan's Union."


The Kid opened his big mouth, "I wasn't born yet." The topic was officially dead.


Lady Diamond was determined to make it through the awkwardness by talking. "Chrysan, what did you do before you became a gladiator?"


"Slave." There was a sharp turn in emotions. "Nylan knows, he was in that oitern mine with me. Huh?"


Nylan's mouth was full of egg and larva, but that did not stop him from responding, "Yeah. We used to mine ore and build giant weapons for the Levonese. It was grueling. Many of my friends and family were killed there. Chrysan's too."


Sace with her voice like hammers striking chords noted, "Red invaded the great weapon smiths and wore them like a belt." Only Sace and Slice knew that Red was her name for him, and he was not going to dwell. He grinned and ate and let the people talk. That topic died, as well.


"So, you're a cat-demon?" Lady Diamond asked Catdemon, unsure of her words. He shook his head, no. The conversation was over before it started.


The awkward silence lingered and only became worse when interrupted. "Stop looking down my dress, serp!" Chrysan hit the table when she yelled and stood, making sure everyone witnessed it.


The Kid's face flushed. He apologized to everyone with a look of awestruck horror. Standing, one could see Chrysan's dress accentuated more areas than it covered. She sat down beside The Kid again. "I wouldn't do that to you." said The Kid, but this time there were thirteen witnesses who could testify his eyes did not look into hers when he addressed her.


"Pyter serp!" Chrysan continued eating. The Kid did the same.




When more time had elapsed, though the level of food on the table had increased, Kashen finally jumped to the topic he had come to discuss. "There is a custom in Grakkan's Union that the managers make a heavy wager over the final match."


Magistrate Vellun sighed and laughed, the two noises sounded the same. "Yes, a tradition that goes all the way back to the first year. Dreena, through this your father came by a few of his artifacts."


"Lost a few too, I heard," said The Kid. Captain Impressive shot him a one-eyed, sidelong glance to quiet him. Johnny Alpha would've blushed if he could; he had lost one such match for Lady Diamond's father.


"It is not always artifacts," Kashen brought the topic back around. "Reputations are put on the line as well." He turned to Magistrate Vellun, addressing Kavorkian on the other side. "Isn't that right, 'Mr. Grakkan?' "


"Right," he grunted, spitting out a piece of meat. "Depends on winning this."


"If he wins this match," Kashen reminded the whole room, "He will have the most wins in Grakkan's Union. ‘Mr. Grakkan’ they'll call him for years. And he'll be one up on Captain Impressive next season as they fight for the title again. That’s what he has on the line. Dreena, what would you wager on this fight?"


"The pride of the win is all I want. We have credits enough as is."


The Kid snorted a laugh. "What the bkalkhei is your problem?" asked Chrysan in response.


All eyes were on The Kid, again. "Nothing, it's just... well, we haven't seen a lot of credits lately... Captain, you know what I mean."


Captain Impressive gave him a silencing stare. Lady Diamond gave The Kid an apologetic nod and glanced at Johnny Alpha. "We have credits enough," she repeated.


Kashen leaned into Lady Diamond, she leaned back slightly, but not towards Slice. "I'm not talking about credits, I'm talking about reputations. Your father bet like he was not going to lose. Do you have the same confidence in your team?"


"I do," she straightened herself up, this time making Kashen lean back. "What do you have in mind?"


"One of us will make this their last season. The loser steps down, moves on."


"And what if we both lose?" asked Lady Diamond.


Kashen turned to his right, "No offense, Mr. Grakkan," he turned back to Lady Diamond, meeting her eyes to eyes, "but we both know that won't happen. So if we both lose, forget the bet."


"I am not concerned with such a wager, I could hardly care if you continue or not."


"That's not true, you want me out just like your father did!" He composed, embarrassed for himself. "There is no amity between us."


"I do not despise you, either." A moment of reflection, "If you were already thinking about resigning, then yes, I see no harm in making this wager."


Magistrate Vellun, in concealed panic, asked, "Dreena, sweetheart, are you sure you want to risk your career?"


Lady Diamond looked each of her team members up and down with pride. "It is not a risk."


Giving her a sense of claustrophobia, the previously silent Slice leaned forward. He eyed her golden girls and the snowy curve of her neck. He started to salivate. "If I may overstep my role for just a moment, Lady Diamond."


"Yes, Lord Slice?"


"As you are very confident in your team's ability, I would like to make a separate, side wager with you."


"I don't think..."


"Oh, I think you do." Slice leaned back in his chair. He tapped a pointed finger on his stomach. "I have something you want."


"My amulet?"


"Something," he answered without directly answering. "I might be willing to put it up, for something of greater value."


"Pray, tell, what do you want?"


"Quite simply," he licked his teeth with a pang of hunger the breakfast could not satiate, "you."


"Wait just one moment!" shouted Captain Impressive.


Lady Diamond put up a hand to settle him down. "What do you mean, 'me’?"


"Well, when we win, you won't be a manager anymore, you'll need something to do. I could always use more help?"


"Help doing what?" asked and commanded Gail. A small wind blew through the room.


"Well," Slice looked up, meaning to look at the vaulted ceiling, but only saw Splat standing over him. "I'm a giving person. I like to give back to the universe. And, I've found, there is nothing greater to give than life.” He looked at Lady Diamond again. “Of course, I cannot do that without a female partner."


"Ok, that's enough," Captain Impressive stood, shaking the table. Johnny Alpha was up a second later.


Magistrate Vellun rose to put himself in-between the two men protecting their manager's honor, and the bodyguard protecting his master. "Kashen!" he shouted as he rounded the table.


"What?" asked Kashen, innocent of the whole event. A smile leaked on his face.


Magistrate Vellun stood up to Captain Impressive, leaving his back exposed to Splat. His security was rushing in and would have them contained in seconds. "Not here! Save it for the arena."


"But..." Captain Impressive did not argue. Slice tapped Splat on the back, settling him down before damage was dealt to anyone. He stood back. Captain Impressive and Johnny Alpha were forced back into their seats. Magistrate Vellun, with a warning glare at Slice, returned as well. The security remained.


"Well?" asked Slice, reveling in the thought of another skirmish breaking out.


"As I have the utmost confidence in my team, and I do want my amulet back..."


"Please, don't," begged Gail, on behalf of women's rights everywhere.


"Yes, I accept." Only two people in the room were not disappointed with her decision.


"Well, what do you oitern know?" asked Chrysan, rhetorically.

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