Ladies and gentlebeings welcome to the third edition of OGN (Ophidian Gladiator League Service News) Gladiator Spotlight. My name's Yura Kadasak and I'll be your host for tonight. In this edition, we will reveal a little more about the Nukatal Warrior, Kasius Koal!
Nukatal Warrior
VP: 4
Name: Kasious Koal
Origin: New Ruege, Leonide
Type: Alien
Gender: Male
Finishing Moves: Unknown
Career Highlights: Winner of the Ophidian League/Sarati Route Space Race Special Event 2055
Ophidian Debut: Ophidian League/Sarati Route Space Race Special Event 2350
Trained by: H'Ronka, Drake "Bio-Killer" Manikers
Vehicles: Nukatal Tremere (Ground Competition), Nukatal Saucer IV Spatial Competition)
Disciplines: War / Cybernetics
Kasious Koal is a racer that joined the Sarati Route Space Race circuit for fame and glory. During his second year in the circuit, he entered the joint special event of the SRSR circuit with the Ophidian League. and finished it in the top 5.
Since then the Ophidian League scouted him on regular basis due to his ferocity in the race, but he always turned down. Until this year, after a lesion that removed him from the circuit for more than a year, he returned to the annual SRSR/OL event and finished first.
After the even Kasious Koal accepted the Ophidian League contract with a special clause to allow him to keep competing in the SRSR circuit if the dates of the races do not compromise his Ophidian League schedule.
2349 Kasious Koal joins the Sarati Route Space Race circuit and ends in 2nd place.
2350 Kasious Koal enters the special Ophidian League/Sarati Route Space Race event and ends in 4th place.
2351 Kasious Koal ends in 3rd place in the Sarati Route Space Race circuit.
2352 Kasious Koal is placed out of action from the Sarati Route Space Race circuit due to a lesion.
2353 Kasious Koal did not compete in Sarati Route Space Race due to a lesion.
2354 Kasious Koal returns to the special Ophidian League/Sarati Route Space Race event and ends in 1st place.
2355 Kasious Koal enters Ophidian League after 5 years of scouting and is promoted to 4VP.
- Ophidian League Special Event: Sarati Route Space Race
The voting starts today, your choices are:
- Freakshow
- Grogg
- Lalox
- The Spectral Warrior
Stay tuned for the next Spotlight, I'm Yura Kadasak and I was your host tonight.