Subj: Six-Way Discipline Duel Has a Winner
It was a crazy day in the Training Grounds today on the Dkarthad Homeworld as the highly anticipated six-way discipline duel got under way. Six of the hardest-hitting 4VP gladiators, each representing a different discipline, squared off. In the end, only one would be left standing. Access the results here.
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Batch #1.029 (September 5, 12:25 PM)
From: GNB <<Galactic News Bulletin>>
Subj: Ophidian Stars Spotted on Solop Avagar
In an odd scene, Bull's Eye and Goth Garal were spotted leaving Solop Avagar by a number of locals. The two stopped for a short time to greet the fans and then left in a hurry. What's odd about the appearance, is that Goth Garal, serving out a prison sentence through Ophidian, was without his normal retinue of guards. When asked what they were doing in the area, the two simply said they were visiting.
An Ophidian Agent on the scene said that "Goth Garal and Bull's Eye left without permission from Ophidian. As a result, Goth Garal will receive a suspension of privileges and Bull's Eye a severe fine." Authorities on Solop Avagar have requested the return of the pair for "further investigation", but Ophidian has commented that the two will provide a written statement so that they can return to the arenas.
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From: GNB <<Galactic News Bulletin>>
Subj: Justich Council Leader Preparing for Trip To Sysslanth
In a rare occurrence, Justich Council Leader Devor Bramain has been invited to the Ophidian homeworld on Sysslanth to finalize a number of unresolved issues dealing with the Justich Federation induction. He made the following statement "I am honored to have been invited to the Ophidian homeworld and look forward to further relations and the start of the upcoming season."
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From: OGN <<Ophidian Gladiator League News Service>>
Subj: Pre-season Off to a Flying Start
We would like to thank all Ophidian fans for helping make this pre-season bigger and better than any before. We promise to keep the action coming with spectacular match-ups with the best Gladiators available anywhere. Join us tonight at the Training Grounds Arena and next week when the action continues in the Battlelands Arena, the largest underground arena on Daven's Hammer, Raskelon.
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Batch #1.028 (September 3, 11:01 AM)
From: OGN <<Ophidian Gladiator League News Service>>
Subj: 6-Way Match Rescheduled for Friday
Due to unforeseen events, the 6-way Discipline match-up has been moved to this Friday. If you are in the Raskelon System, join us at the Training Grounds Arena for this spectacular match-up featuring Freakshow, Ironsides, Lillith, Lothar, Queen Alexandra, and Prince of Gates. Which discipline will claim victor? Which gladiator will triumph? Find out in two days.
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From: IGM <<Independent Gladiator Information Messenger>>
Subj: Gladiator Discipline Tourney Postponed Due to Sabotage
After the culmination of Friday's one-on-one discipline tourney finals match between Version 9 and the Stranger, the main event was unexpectedly cancelled as attendees were asked to evacuate. It has now been found out by a number of our inside reporters that an act of sabotage was the cause. The arena in which the event was held sustained massive damages from an unknown source and investigations are ongoing. Although no official word has been released on the cause, with Ophidian representatives remaining hush hush on the incident, a number of theories have been proposed with one such theory pointing to Version 9. Version 9, the loser of the finals match-up with the Stranger was given a blow by the Ophidian committee when their last minute announcement caused a change in the allowed moves he could use in the match. The ruling coming so late may have been the cause of Version 9's close defeat, and with the past troubles between Version 9 and the Ophidians over his assigned 3 VP rank, it seems Version 9 is the most likely suspect. We however, will reserve judgment until more evidence comes forth and will report that information as it becomes available.
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From: Arena_Fan
Subj: Version Nine wooops Ophidian!
Oh man! I wish i coulda seen the Niner woopin all over those Opidians. Sure, it means i have to wait little longer to see Freakshow in action, but you better beleive V9's circuits were frying after that match. Did you see em? He had to use so much restraint as even simple attacks coulda caused those damn Justich hating phidian hucks to disqualify him. Compare that to the way he mangled poor P.K. at the end of their match and there is no doubt that ruling caused him the match.
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From: Venecia
Subj: Arena_Fan Ranting Rampage
First of all, there is no proof that Version 9 is the culprit of the sabotage. I wish people would reserve their judgment on these things, especially since once again, I still don't see it being in Version 9's character to get angry and blow up like that. Second, the ruling was the right and fair thing to do, even if it did come extremely late, which I don't deny wasn't the best way to handle it. It's not fair that War gladiators can use their training during a match with weapons like Phase Blades, that although Cybernetic, require a Warrior's proficiency to operate. It's also unfair for them to be able to use grappling and fighting techniques when they are not allowed to use War. Last, Version 9 is a capable fighter, and I think he adapted well to the last minute changes, but the truth is that Version 9 is more about war than he is cybernetics. He was fighting with a handicap that the Stranger didn't have and that's ultimately the reason he lost.
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