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Welcome to the Ophidian Universe, the #1 fan page for all Ophidian (Universe) Games, including 2369: The Search For Dr.Kopelman, Ophidian Redux & Get With the Flow… (an Ophidian 2355) RPG by Justich Fan Productions, Ophidian 2360 by Hack and Slash Games, Small Cave Games' Ophidian Wars, and of course, Ophidian 2350 CCG by Ophidian Inc./FLEER.

Survival of the Fittest Update 16 - We Did It!

Another Round of Thanks

Once again, thank you all for helping us to get this product off the ground.
This is the start of something great, and you were a part of it!

The Plan

Over the next few weeks, we will be sending out a survey to collect information from you all.  Once we have that in-hand, we will send out emails to each of you with all of the instructions and info that you'll need to get the balance of shipping for Add-Ons paid, etc.
If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to reach out to us!


True to form, here are some additional previews, these are some of the cards that will be appearing in the 2350 Supplemental Packs

If you look closely, even some of the pieces that have art that appears unchanged have in fact have some modifications to them.  Sunder Maul is one of those cards!
All the best,
Jason Robinette
Vice President of Marketing and Design
Hack and Slash Games

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