Hello Backers
Thanks for checking in... for those of you who may not have backed our relaunched campaign, do check out our newly designed website, which includes an updated web store offering pre-orders ofOphidian 2360! As a special offer, use the coupon code "kickjune2016" and you will receive 25% off your order, including pre-ordered items! You can still get Ophidian 2360 cards at a discount!
By the way, if you backed our relaunched campaign, your surveys have been coming in, and you will be hearing from us soon.
Remember, the Coupon Code is: kickjune2016
This coupon code will only be valid for a limited time, so act fast!
We didn't want you to feel left out just because you missed the chance to back the relaunched campaign... here's a few previews that will be going out over the next few days (or have gone out recently):

You may notice that some things have changed... do check out our website and successfully funded Kickstarter page for more information on where things are going with Ophidian!
Thank you!
Jason Robinette
Vice-President of Marketing and Design
Hack and Slash Games