OphidianRealms Article - Neglecting your Discipline
Posted by: G-ForceTG
It boggles my mind sometimes.
Reading through some of the decks constructed, I found a number of them beginning to show a trend that I'm not too keen on. Many of these decks have all but one discipline covered. Even worse, one deck I've seen employed only ONE discipline, neglecting the others entirely.
My gripe with this method of deck building is that the player is shorting himself. You're not using your arsenal to the fullest if you neglect a Discipline, regardless of reason. And if you are going the "One Discipline" route, you might as well carry a sign saying "Mop the floor with my sorry behind!" because chances are if you challenge another player who has a deck utilizing all of his available disciplines, you are going to lose.
So what can you do for a deck like this? It depends on the situation.
If you are going to use a Gladiator who has a Neglected Discipline, then utilize that Discipline. Simply Figure out what cards from that Discipline will work with your deck strategy, and then figure out a way to add it to your deck, even if it means subtracting a duplicate card or two to make room. Sure, you may like having 3 Gun Kipas in your deck, but trust me, it won't hurt things to have 1 less Gun Kipa in your arsenal to make room for some Bio-Tek cards or whatever Discipline you are neglecting (Besides, what are the chances of summoning 3 Gun Kipas in a Wave, especially since they each cost 4CP to summon. One Word: Expensive!).
But if You are not going to use a Discipline, then simply get another Gladiator. Example: Let's say you have Prince of Gates, Mannequin, Bull's Eye and Beserker as Gladiators, but you do not have any Bio-Tek cards in your arsenal. WHat to do? Ditch PoG and pick another 4VP Gladiator like Arkzilipul (whose Mystic Discipline can reinforce your Bull's Eye) or Queen Alexandra (Who has The Psi Discipline, giving you access to Psi strategy cards that'll help you in your game). Either way it'll be a better pay-off in the long run than it would have just Keeping PoG and not using him to the fullest.
In closing, next time you are constructing a deck, try to exploit every discipline you have to the fullest. A Neglected Discipline is a terrible thing to waste.